Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Alcoholism and Addiction Cure: A Holistic Approach to Total Recovery

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Post Date : Apr 21, 2011 22:24:05

The Alcoholism and Addiction Cure contains the powerful three-step program to total recovery that is the basis of the miraculous success of the Passages Addiction Cure Center in Malibu, California. You'll learn the three steps to permanent sobriety; the four causes of dependency; how your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are key factors in your recovery; and how to create your own personalized treatment program with the help of health professionals where you live--one that gets to the real, underlying causes of dependency. A visionary and an innovator, Chris Prentiss brings new hope to people everywhere who are dependent on drugs, alcohol, or addictive behaviors. This groundbreaking approach will show you how to end relapse, end your craving, end addictive behavior, and end your suffering.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Alcoholism - Alcoholism medicine and Alcoholism Causes

!: Alcoholism - Alcoholism medicine and Alcoholism Causes

According to the health group of people, alcoholism is a disease and/or addiction to the utilization of alcohol, and an incapability to distinguish the disabling effects of excessive alcohol consumption. A person suffering from alcoholism has a dependence on alcohol, and may suffer severe withdrawal signs whilst he or she is not intoxicated.

Individuals may have a tendency toward developing alcoholism through heredity, while others may simply furnish the disease through improper judgment or mitigating personel situations. In spite of, the misuse of alcohol will effect in unsafe health difficulties, such as cirrhosis of the liver, heart disease, dementia, lack of nutrition, and may ultimately lead to death.

Alcoholism is a unrelieved disorder in which a personel is not capable to refrain from frequent and too much consumption of alcohol.

Cipher of Alcoholism (alcoholism symptoms)

Bloodshot eyes, quick pulse. Alcoholics have a inflated face with bloodshot eyes, hoarse voice and a quick pulse. They are doubtful, ill-tempered and over-sentimental. Nausea, delirium Vomiting, delirium, impaired decision, and distressed sleep are some of the extra symptoms that alcoholics feel from. Too much drinking damages the liver and moderately leads to cirrhosis and this leads to disorders of the stomach and bowels. It can cause damage to the brain cells, and also affects the heart, which becomes weak and soft.

Causes of Alcoholism

Irregular drink

Alcoholism starts with the person taking an infrequent drink. This normally becomes a routine and leads to a health where the person cannot do devoid of alcohol. Some citizens drink alcohol to liven up collective gatherings below collective force; for others, it is an run off from the everyday jobs or stresses of life.

Alcoholism Treatment

1. Alcoholism rehabilitation by means of Grapes

The most needful home rehabilitation for alcoholism is a extra diet, for a month or so, of grapes. Because this fruit contains the purest form of alcohol, it is a perfect yet well alternate for alcohol. Alcoholics be made-up to take three meals a day of fresh grapes at five-hourly intervals. The achievement of this rehabilitation depends on the force of mind of the alcoholic to stop drinking.

2. Alcoholism rehabilitation with Apples

Apples are one more effective rehabilitation for alcoholism. A kind eating of apples helps get rid of intoxication and reduces the longing for wines and added intoxicating liquors.

3. Alcoholism rehabilitation by means of Dates

Dates are considered helpful in the rehabilitation of alcoholism. The sick person is supposed to drink half a glass of water in which four or five dates have been rubbed jointly. This rehabilitation should be taken two times daily for a month. It will bring clear-cut relief.

4. Alcoholism rehabilitation by means of Bitter Gourd

The juice of the leaves of bitter gourd is a cure for alcohol intoxication. It is also helpful for a liver damaged due to alcoholism. Three teaspoons of this juice, mixed with a glass of butter milk, should be taken each morning for a month.

5. Alcoholism rehabilitation by means of Celery

The juice of raw celery has also been found helpful in alcoholism. It workout a sobering effect on the sick person and is an cure to alcohol. Half a glass of celery juice mixed with an selfsame quantity of water be supposed to be taken once daily for a month.

Alcoholism - Alcoholism medicine and Alcoholism Causes

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